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Hero Changes in 2009 Esports Update

发布日期:2024-04-10 17:26    点击次数:84

Hero Changes in 2009 Esports Update


The 2009 esports update brought a lot of changes to the game of League of Legends. In particular, there were significant hero changes that impacted the way players approached the game. This article will explore those hero changes and their impact on the gameplay experience.


Ashe received a few updates that made her a more viable pick in professional gameplay. Her ultimate ability, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, had its stun duration increased at all levels. Additionally, her Hawkshot ability became more useful in scouting out enemy positions and setting up ganks. These changes made Ashe a more valuable utility pick for teams looking to control the map.


Tristana received some much-needed changes in order to make her a more viable pick in competitive play. Her Rocket Jump ability had its base damage increased and its cooldown decreased. This allowed Tristana to become a more mobile threat in team fights and skirmishes. Her Buster Shot ability also received a damage increase, making her an even more viable pick for teams looking to take down enemy carries.


Taric received a few updates that made him a more useful support pick in competitive play. His stun ability, Dazzle, had its cooldown reduced at all levels. This meant that Taric could stun enemies more frequently and provide more peel for his teammates. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Radiance, had its cooldown reduced, making it a more powerful teamfight tool.


Evelynn received some major updates that completely changed the way she played. Her passive ability, Shadow Walk, had its stealth duration increased, allowing her to move around the map undetected for longer periods of time. Additionally, her Ravage ability had its base damage increased and its cooldown decreased, making her a more powerful assassin in team fights. These changes made Evelynn a much more viable pick in competitive play.


The hero changes in the 2009 esports update had a major impact on the gameplay experience in League of Legends. Heroes like Ashe, Tristana, Taric, and Evelynn received updates that made them more viable picks in competitive play. These updates allowed for more diverse team compositions and made for more exciting matches. The impact of these changes can still be seen in the way the game is played today.

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