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发布日期:2024-08-16 10:51    点击次数:162



As the popularity of esports continues to grow, particularly in the realm of competitive gaming, the selection process for joining a professional team has become increasing rigorous. Among such professional competitive games, League of Legends has secured its position as one of the top esports game globally. Hence, in this article, we will guide you through the process of how to ace an interview to secure a position in a League of Legends professional team.

Understand the Game Inside and Out

As an aspiring professional League of Legends player, it is imperative for you to have an in-depth understanding of the game. From understanding the different champions, the roles they play in their respective position, to knowing the different strategies that teams employ, it is crucial that you are well-read and understand as much about the game as possible. You should be able to analyze the game, identify weaknesses in your opponents, and modify your play style to match the needs of your team.

Networking and Finding the Right Team

In the esports industry, networking is key. You should attend gaming events, tournaments, and even online forums to interact with industry players, acquire new skills, and meet other aspiring players. Further, finding the right team is critical to advancing your professional career in League of Legends. Look for teams that are the right fit, whether by checking their play style, the champions they pick, the roles they play, and their strategic setup, among others. It is always essential to have proper communication with your teammates, as teamwork is a crucial element in esports.

Develop Your Skills

Playing League of Legends professionally requires excellent skills in various gaming areas. It is imperative to continually work on your skills to increase your chances of getting selected for a professional team. One of the best ways to develop your skills is through rigorous practice. Participate in game arenas, scrims, and tournaments to improve your skills in different gaming areas such as map awareness, last hitting, and team fights, among others. Further, you can seek out coaching or mentorship to learn new tactics or to gain a better understanding of specific champions, roles, or game strategies.

Preparing for the Interview

Once you secure an interview with a professional League of Legends team, it is essential to prepare for the interview. Ensure you have a clear understanding of your skills, gameplay tactics, and what you bring to the team. Prepare for the interview by taking time to research the team and their play style, common interview questions, and practice interviews with a friend to simulate the environment that will likely be present in the actual interview.

Showcasing Your Unique Selling Point

During the interview, it is essential to showcase your unique selling proposition. The panel must identify what makes you different from other aspiring professional League of Legends players. Identify and highlight your unique skills, assets, and ways that will complement your team. You can also demonstrate your passion, work ethic, and positive attitude towards the game to set yourself apart from the competition.


In conclusion, it takes persistence, consistency, and constant improvement to land a position in a professional League of Legends team. With the tips highlighted in this article, it鈥檚 possible to ace an interview and successfully gain entry into a team. Remember, it is essential to continue building your skills, expanding your network, and learning about the game to gain a competitive edge and increase your chances of achieving your dream of playing professional League of Legends.

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